Dr. Bilal Ahmed

Bringing Smiles to Life: Your Trusted Dental Clinic

Best Dentist in Lahore!

State-of-the-Art Facilities

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Experienced Dental Professionals

Trusted dentists providing personalized treatment and care.

Comprehensive Dental Services

All-inclusive treatments tailored to your unique needs.

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Our Services


A bridge is advised to replace the missing teeth by placing false teeth in the gap. Teeth anterior and posterior to the gap are trimmed from all sides and then a cover containing the trimmed and missing teeth is placed there permanently. It takes almost 2 visits, 3 to 4 days apart for this procedure.


Implants are advised to replace the missing teeth in which an implant screw is surgically placed in bone. After a healing time of 2 months healing screw is placed and a tooth is placed after 2,3 days permanently.


Dentures are removable replacements, which are applied as a result of tooth loss. This procedure requires 3 to 4 visits almost a week apart. The best thing about the dentures is that they can be removed and cleaned easily and properly.

Scaling & Polishing

Implants are advised to replace the missing teeth in which an implant screw is surgically placed in bone. After a healing time of 2 months healing screw is placed and a tooth is placed after 2,3 days permanently.


If a tooth has begun to undergo some decay a dentist will recommend a filling. If a tooth is cracked, or otherwise damaged, a filling may be one in every of the recommended treatment options. for several people, a brand-new filling is required to switch a filling that has become damaged or is old.


Aligners are advised to straighten the misaligned teeth without the use of conventional braces, but it has it's limits in many cases.

Space Closure

Space between front two teeth or any other teeth can be closed by fillings or bridges depending on space.


Veneers are advised to change the shape, colour and appearance of front teeth by placing a thin covering in front of teeth.


It is advised after root canal treatment to strengthen the tooth. It is also used to treat broken or stained teeth. The tooth is trimmed for all sides and a tooth coloured cover is placed on it permanently. Different qualities and material and teeth shades are available in crowns.

Teeth Extraction

It is advised when tooth is beyond saving by any other means. Local anesthesia is injected and tooth is removed painlessly.

Laser Whitening

Teeth whitening is advised to lighten the colour of teeth by two shades atleast. In this procedure a bleaching agent is applied on teeth and laser is applied for 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated 3 to 4 times and takes upto 1 hour 15 minutes.

Root Cancal Treatment

It is advised for painful and infectious teeth which cannot be saved by fillings. A small hole is made in tooth and all the infection is drained from tooth and tooth is cleaned thoroughly, medication is placed and a permanent filling is done. It is advised to place a crown on root canal treated teeth. It takes 3 to 4 visits one day apart with 20 minutes in each visit for this treatment.

Emergency Dentistry​
24/7 Services

Dental Implants
Qualified Doctors

Clear Braces​
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